Recruitment specialist in HR, Sales and Operations

Job Search Tips

5 tips when putting together your cv

February 7, 2021  /

In a competitive marketplace, it is more important than ever to put together a good CV. A well-constructed CV opens doors. A poorly constructed cv can lead to rejection, frustration and missed opportunity. I have seen thousands of CV’s in my career, but perhaps more importantly, for over 20 years, I have witnessed hundreds of […]

3 tips to help you land that HR role, in a more competitive market

August 19, 2020  /

There is no denying it, the last few months have been tough.   There is apprehension about a second wave and things are not back to normal, but there has been a return of some activity in the market over the last month or so. It felt great for me ( almost normal!) to complete […]

Inducting someone? Or starting a new job during lock down? What to expect ….

April 30, 2020  /

  Over the last few weeks, I have taken some time to catch up with people that I have placed into new roles, which have started during lock down. It is not new to check in with people, but it has been fascinating to see how the lock down has influenced induction for employers and […]

Struggling putting together your cv? Try my 3,4,5 rule and see if it delivers results:

January 31, 2020  /
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

It’s that time of year when many of you will be putting together or updating your cv’s. And it is surprisingly difficult when you come to put pen to paper isn’t it. It’s hard to know how much detail to go into. What information should you provide? How can you possibly get everything that you […]

8 Interesting and Unusual Job Interview Questions

April 8, 2019  /  Andrew James
interview questions

  We’ve all been in a job interview and felt under pressure to answer the questions put to us. But what if you’re completely thrown by a question that you’d never expect to be asked? This week we’ve been comparing some of the most unusual interview questions that we’ve heard.   Stress Questions   A […]

Top Tips for Interviewing Well

February 26, 2019  /  Andrew James
interview tips

Interviewing is an art, a science and a craft. Giving a great candidate experience means listening actively and letting the conversation flow while making sure that the important aspects are covered. A tall order? These interview tips will help you along.   Be early – Be ready   If your interview starts at 11:00, block […]

The Counter-Offer. Deal or No Deal?

January 30, 2019  /  Andrew James
counter offer

The January Blues   This is the time of year when you feel it. You’re not happy. Things at work are niggling at you. Or you’re happy, but underpaid so you feel undervalued. Your bonus has come and gone and the new year is brimming with opportunity.   Push and Pull   Think about which […]

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