Recruitment specialist in HR, Sales and Operations

Human Capital Management

It will bounce back and bounce back well!

April 15, 2020  /

  Yesterday the OBR reported some fairly dire predictions for the UK economy. Predictions that business owners were expecting and predictions that will bring challenges for the year ahead and possibly beyond.  The recruitment marketplace is currently impacted and of course, will continue to be impacted – these are challenging times, but there is light! […]

Top 5 tips for delivering a winning presentation at an interview

October 11, 2019  /
psychology of performance in sales

When it comes to Sales recruitment, it is exceptionally rare to see a process where a presentation is not required at some stage in the process. The 3 most commonly requested presentations are to ‘present your 30, 60 and 90 day plan’, ‘present to us on your current product portfolio’ or to ‘present for 15 […]

The Art of Good Leadership

March 29, 2019  /  Andrew James
art of good leadership

Here we are on the 29th March. The date that the country has been looking to ever since the UK voted to leave the EU on 23rd June 2016. Well, it’s here and we haven’t left yet! Whatever your view, it’s clear that the process in the UK has been a debacle. We thought it […]

Competing to Win the Best Candidate

March 5, 2019  /  Andrew James
competing to win the best candidate

We all know that people need to compete hard to win your job, but you also need to compete, to be sure of landing the best candidate. The interview is the place where competitions are won or lost.   Planting Seeds   Plan to answer candidate questions fully in an engaged way, selling them something […]

Always Review CVs Before Interviewing

February 18, 2019  /  Andrew James
CV interviewing

The time you spend with a candidate is precious and short. If you don’t know what’s on their CV, chances are that you’ll ask questions that simply see them regurgitate things you’d already know if you’d done your homework. ‘OK, can you just run me through your CV?’.   Read the CV three times   […]

The Counter-Offer. Deal or No Deal?

January 30, 2019  /  Andrew James
counter offer

The January Blues   This is the time of year when you feel it. You’re not happy. Things at work are niggling at you. Or you’re happy, but underpaid so you feel undervalued. Your bonus has come and gone and the new year is brimming with opportunity.   Push and Pull   Think about which […]

How to Optimise your CV for the Perfect Sales Role

January 10, 2019  /
Optimise your CV

A great CV makes all the difference when you’re searching for the perfect sales role. But what do recruiters really look for when screening CVs? How can you optimise your CV so that it makes you stand out? Short-term CV fixes   Start off by demonstrating clearly that you make good career decisions and have […]

The Importance of Face-to-Face Recruitment in the Digital Age

November 30, 2018  /
Face-to-face Recruitment

There’s a lot of talk in recruitment about Artificial Intelligence short-listing, algorithms that find buzzwords in CVs, and Skype or FaceTime interviews. I can see why. I use appropriate technology all the time. Still, recruiters look for efficiencies, encouraging their people to do more phone interviews, saving costs on interview rooms, physical office locations and […]

Basic salaries in sales – the age old debate but has the credit crunch changed things?

March 29, 2017  /
basic salaries

It’s the age-old debate, low basic vs high basic and the correlation between sales hunger, drive and activity levels. Some of the Sales Directors we support passionately believe that low basic salaries but strong commission structures are the answer to deliver great team results. Others believe that low basics deliver negative pressures and sometimes compromising, […]

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