Recruitment specialist in HR, Sales and Operations

What a HR Rabbit hole!

February 4, 2021  /


I have really enjoyed putting together this ¼’s HR Snap shot for the HR market place to enjoy.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, there are some consistent challenges for HR departments right now. Interestingly, there are common themes when it comes to strategic initiatives too. All of this, plus much more is covered in the snap shot which will be released next week.

Outside of the core content, I love it when my conversations with HR leaders throws up new areas of interest. An area of particular conversational interest to me this 1/4, was a huge HR rabbit hole ….. Vaccine!

This conversation came up regularly with HR leaders. No one had any answers, in most circumstances it led to more questions and debate, but it is such an interesting area and topic of conversation and that I just had to share it early. I would love people’s thoughts….

So right now, the government does not mandate that individuals take up the vaccine and that will continue.  That sets a legal precedent for sure. So, what, if any policies around Vaccines, will, could and should businesses adopt moving forward?

  • If you provide a service to people, will you only do so if they have been vaccinated?
  • If you have key workers, do you insist they have the vaccine? Can you? Should you?
  • Do you, can you employ or not employ based on people being vaccinated?
  • What ethical and reputational damage could there be about staff passing on Covid to customers if they have not been vaccined? Does that leave businesses exposed?
  • If you have key workers, do you lobby for their early vaccination as soon as possible?
  • With vaccine surplus being a realistic possibility, do businesses look at commercial arrangements to buy vaccine in the future? Should they? Could they?
  • Do businesses look at vaccine as part of health care benefits in the years to come?

As I say above, no one has the answers, all of these are questions, many are having these thoughts. What an interesting landscape to debate and discuss in the future…..

If you would like to read the full Snapshot on its release next week, please call or e-mail me to get your free copy. If you would like to be part of the thought leadership panel for future volumes, then I would also love to hear from you.

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