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Is Technology Changing the Recruitment Industry?

March 22, 2019  /  Andrew James
technology in recruitment

In a world where technology is constantly moving at a fast pace, it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends and easy to think that everybody is taking advantage. When it comes to CVs, occasionally we are impressed by a candidate’s use of technology to enhance their document, whether that be through formatting, video, imaging or ‘career branding’. Online profiles with video content are becoming commonplace through platforms like LinkedIn. The real question is though; are they changing the recruitment process?


Here we take a look at what’s really happening:


Video CVs


A video CV can potentially provide you with more of an insight into a candidate’s personality. We are aware of some organisations that have experimented with videos as part of their application process. To date however, in our experience, it seems that this hasn’t really taken off. The main reason being that viewing a whole host of candidates’ video CVs can be a time-consuming task. Furthermore, the questions has to be asked as to whether communications skills on video are essential for the role being advertised recruited to. Speaking into a camera is tough and a skill in itself! Therefore, if a role being does not required verbal presentation skills to this level, then it may not be very suitable as a selection criteria. As a result it isn’t a widely adopted tool.

We have noticed that video can be useful when organisations are recruiting into particular positions. Of course where video content or verbal presentation skills are essential then it is an appropriate tool. It is also helpful when there is not much to set candidates apart on paper (apprenticeship and graduate roles for example). We are aware of companies requesting video CVs to help select candidates in these circumstances. This helps them sift and shortlist through volumes where qualifications are identical or similar and little experience is required or has been gained. Candidates who make a video and do it well are typically the ones who have fully engaged with the process which is a useful indicator for the hiring business in itself.


Artificial Intelligence CV Screening


Much has been talked about Artificial Intelligence (AI) CV screening recently. A computer algorithm set to identify key search terms is meant to help recruiters quickly identify the most appropriate CVs and who should be bought in for interview. So much about recruitment, however, is recognising peoples’ attitudes, behaviours and skills. Is it not the case that in reality for now, all that AI CV screening can really do is scan for keywords? This doesn’t truly help you to understand whether they have the skills or personality that you are looking for. Our view is that AI screening is not going to significantly change recruitment processes. It may help with volume sifting, to identify required qualifications and listed experience but AI is not able yet to interview and select based on soft skills, attitude, behaviours and with cultural fit in mind.

As a recruitment business owner I am constantly approached by businesses with software and tech based products that claim to radically improve my identification processes. To date I have not seen one demonstration that would make a difference past identifying keywords on a CV or on social media pages.


A personal online profile


At Andrew James Specialist Recruitment, we believe that your personal online profile is increasingly important; particularly at senior level. It is in this area that technology has changed what people should consider when managing your career. Your online profile, the connections you have and the commentary you make will demonstrate the type of person that you are to a potential employer. In some instances, this can mean that employers, or connectors (people like us) will find you for amazing opportunities. Considering your personal brand, your presence, interests, recommendations, comments and shares are crucial in today’s world. You may also have video content of yourself to show you are invested in and up to speed with technology. It is our view that the future will bring more online individual profiling, perhaps it will be commonplace for all to have their own professional website?


In Summary, Remember the basics


Over the past 20 years, we’ve seen many scenarios where a ground-breaking new technology has been released with the purpose of changing the face of recruitment. Job Boards were going to kill off recruitment agencies, but that didn’t happen. LinkedIn was going to make recruitment a seamless exercise, but again, that hasn’t happened. So today we do need to be aware of our online profile and make sure that we manage that in a way that is helpful for our career development. Overall though, whilst technology tools have an influence, the basics of a good recruitment process does and will remain;

  • To recruit, you need to have a good selection process, criteria and a strong employer brand.
  • To get a job, you’ve got to present yourself in the right way, and then perform in the process.

So, just like in other aspects of life in the digital age, new technologies can enhance your experience. Fundamentally, however, the basics of how to get a job and how to recruit somebody aren’t going to change anytime soon.

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